Lost Love

Friday, December 31, 2010

The first time I fixed my gaze on you,
I noticed how a bit attractive and cute you are.
I dreamt all night on my slumber
Wishing that someday we will be together.

Fate has always been on my side.
Luck always goes with me and it abides.
During the first time we got the night
I can’t remove my clasps on you
And I’m always holding you tight.
I kissed you before I have to depart,
And don’t want our worlds to be apart.

But time wasn’t been that good.
All I can’t imagine went my hood.
When evil came by our way,
He tempted you away from me.
I was lucky that I’m still alive
But you are now gone
And there’s nothing I can do

Now all I can do is to wait
For time will finally make its fate
But I’m always going to place where we first met
With hurts and pains that I didn’t regret
Of having you once in my life
That drove me to paradise.

I will miss you my C-RV

From A Waiting Heart

You came by my way
And you cheered my life
In just a short time
Our paths emerge in to one
Our friendship has taken a new meaning
But we may not see each other for so long.
But I know that we have loved
And this means the most
This means the most to me.

Love is the life were living
For us its the only way
Being this oneness with you
Brings down heaven here on earth
Our lives have seen a better meaning
And I have been waiting here for so long
But I know that we have loved
And this means the most
This means the most to me.

Another song composed by Response In Charity. I know how you feel when making this song. And I believe in the power of love. It will find its way and it will always lead you to your desire. Neither by fate nor by destiny love exists, but by accepting the real appeal of the beloved. Conquer back the one you love through an act of love that will be reciprocated


Yesterday I was sitting down the benches outside Jaro Cathedral, when I met a young guy about my age whom you might say unpleasant to look (not because he looks horrid, but by the marks on his skin) but filled with love and kindness. He was holding a guitar and a music notebook. I sat down across him and watched him play his music. I could feel how he plucked every string with love and passion. Then we made a little talk about the music he was trying to make and he started sharing with me true the meaning of the song. It’s about his unconditional love to a woman of his age. Then he started talking a lot of things about love, Love that is beyond imagination and a love that everybody needs to acquire

If I were a poet, I would write you a poem
If i were a a composer I would write you a poem
All these masterpieces to tell you, that

More than just a poem beyond the rhymes of poetry
More than just a song beyond the rhythm of melodies,
For you have entered into my life
More than the air that I breathe
More than the blood in my veins

If I were a painter, I would paint you with the nature’s best
If I were a writer I would write you a book
All these masterpieces to tell you, that

More than just painting beyond the beauty of a scenery
More than just a book beyond the realms of fantasy
For you have entered in to my life
More the blood in my veins
More than a song I could sing

He told me that he made the lyrics more than 4 years ago, and he wants it to be sung on his wedding day with her. Now he’s trying to arrange the song. He was filled with love towards her and he wanted her to be the happiest woman in the world. It also took me a hard time asking for a copy of this song. He was hesitant at first yet he agreed but in a condition that I will never expose him to public and he wants to be hidden in a pseudo name of: Response In Charity… Thank you for entrusting to me this wonderful work that has been a fruit in your loving heart…