The Summit of Love

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice,
‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’" (Mt.27,46)
It is the climax of His sufferings,
it is His interior passion.
It is the tragedy of a God Who cries out:
"My God, my God why have you forsaken me?".
The infinite mystery of the abyssal suffering
which Jesus experienced as a man.
It is the measure of His love for man.
He wanted to take upon Himself
the separation between God and man
and men from each other.
And He bridged the infinite gap of that separation.

All human sufferings are summarised
in that particular suffering of Jesus.
Those who are in anguish, who are lonely
or in a state of aridity,
the disappointed, the failed, the weak:
are they not all, in a way, similar to Him?
Is He not the image of any painful division
among the members of a family?
By loving Him, Christians
find the reason and the strength
not to escape from suffering, from evil, from division,
but to accept them, thus making a personal contribution of their own.
Jesus the Forsaken is the key to unity.

Love's Death

When it seems that you feel Love is dying... Make sure you believe in Resurrection.....

When you feel Love is signing for DNR..... Make sure to hold on to its threadlike breath....

When you see that Love is undergoing Cardiac Arrest..... Make sure you believe it can still recover....

When you feel that Love is fading away..... Pray for a Second Chance....

When your LOVE is facing its impending Death ...... Learn how to Accept...

..... But.....

Learn not to FORGET that in your LIFE.... there was a moment.....

                   ................ that you have LOVED........ and you believed in LOVE.......