
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Once there were two teardrops floating by the river.
One teardrop asked the other:
“Who are you?”
-          “I’m the teardrop of a girl, who is truly in love with a guy, but I lost him. And who are you? “
In reply, the teardrop said:
 “I’m the teardrop of a boy, who is deeply in love with a girl, and regretted letting her go…”

Artist ‘Strokes

As I scaled you through my pen,
I can’t imagine how a masterpiece shall be made.
When I started my strokes,
I never expected that it will present beauty from an artist’s hand.
With every line I drew,
Love blends with every hue.
With every strokes I made,
Shines beauty in every color I had laid.
Love has been an inspiration for an artist’s hand,
Whenever the brush on a canvass had to land.
Yet colors in a canvass may fade through time,
But love will never go because I know it’s mine.
Still an artist will be the master for its art,
But love will always give inspiration, its leading part.
And when the artist had to retire from his work,
And took the moment he wanted to acquire.
While he sits on the couch by the hearth-side,
Thinking of true love that he desires.
Not a canvass to him could donate,
Nor the brush strokes could create.
Now the artist had to pray,
That his masterpiece will come to reality one day and say:
“ Here am I my maker, no longer in tones of sepia and clay.
No longer of colors made by your fantasy,
With dazzling backgrounds of beautiful scenery.
I am here to bring both love and pain,
So that the art of love will forever remain…”

Yes To You

So many times that I've said maybe.
So many times that I've said no.
So many later's that never came to pass,
but now I say my yes to You.

So many times  I've hesitated.
So many times  I've turned away.
So many moments that I have had to choose,
but now I give my yes to You.

Yes to  You, I want to find You.
Yes to  You, yes today.
Yes to  You, I want to choose You.
Yes to  You, yes today.

So many times  I've almost made it.
So many times  I've looked for You.
So many simple words that I let slip away,
but now I give my yes to You.

Yes to You...


I love you
not because I have learned to tell you so;
not because my heart suggests these words,
not even because faith has made me believe
that you are love;
and not even because you cried for me.

I love you
because you have entered into my life
more than the air in my lungs,
more than the blood in my veins.
You have come and entered
where no one could enter;
when no one could help me,
each time no one could console me.

Every day I have spoken with you.
At every moment I have looked at you
and in your countenance
I have found the answer;
in your words the explanation;
in your love the solution.

I love you
because for many years
you have lived with me
and I have lived with you.
I drank from your love,
and did not know it.
I was nourished with it,
became strong in it
I found new courage,
but I was unaware of it
like a child who drinks its mother's milk
and still does not know
how to call her by that sweet name.

Help me to be grateful
- at least a little -
in the time which is left to me,
for this love that you have given me
and has compelled me to tell you
I love you