It's Hard to Fix a Wounded Heart...

Monday, February 28, 2011

This is the story of a girl who had a bad temper. To teach her a good lesson, her boyfriend asked that every time she lost her patience and insulted him, she should hammer a nail on her door.

On the first day, the girl hammered 37 nails. As weeks passed and as she managed to control her temper, the nails became fewer. After almost a year of struggle, the girl finally managed to control herself. She was happy and she told her boyfriend about her achievements. The boyfriend, however, suggested that she should take out the nails from the door. After some days, the girl had removed all the nails.

Her boyfriend took her to see the door and said: “You have worked hard, my love, but look at all the holes that are there on the door. The door will never be like it was before you started to put nails on it. Each time you lost your patience and offended me by words, you leave behind scars that are difficult to remove. You can insult me and afterwards say ‘I am sorry’, but the scars will always remain.”

I miss you (True Confessions from a Wounded Heart)

I miss you even if I have you in my arms. I miss you even if in my every day I see you. I miss you even if you are already mine. I miss your smiles even if you smiled to me each time we’re together. I miss your hugs even if you hug me so tight. I miss your kisses even if you kiss me as if there’s no more tomorrow. There are times that I want to scream or to bawl what is in my heart. There are moments that I want to say curses but I can’t. There are times that I want to leave and let go because I can’t endure anymore but there’s something that keeps holding me. There are things in you that I miss so much…

I miss your morning text messages that says I love you or goodnights that end with the eternal love. I miss your hugs every time we are together or your kisses before I head home. I miss your stubbornness and defiance which I know that you longed for my attention. I miss your mood swings and your annoyances. I miss your “princess-act” whenever we are together. I miss your questions about what’s going on. I miss your curiosity on what is in my phone or in my bag. I miss holding your hand that seems you would never let go. I miss going out with you in certain places you haven’t been. I miss to see the excitement in your eyes to something new. I miss sitting beside you on your bed and listening to your voice as you whisper that I’m the only one you love.

Alas, all these are just nostalgias of the past and to what had been. All were real then to me. All were true and without doubt. Alas, now I don’t know if they are still true, real and sincere. That’s the very thing I miss. I miss believing that what is happening now is true…

Forgive me if I am in doubt for my wounds still bleed and are fresh. The lance of infidelity has made its deepest scar. The blows of insecurity put me in a comma until now. The hard hits and slaps of insults still leave their bloody mark. All I’m longing to hear is a sincere act of contrition. All I’m longing to see is true remorse and amendment from your flaws. Yes! I gave you my forgiveness. But forgiveness is a grace. It only applies to someone sincerely asking for it. I miss when you say sorry and with sincerity in your eyes… Have faith that I will never let you go. I will never change you in my heart. I will love you forever and throughout eternity… I fought a good fight. I finished the race. I have kept the faith… I’m still missing the real you…