Valentine Experience...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Well, as for those in love, Valentine is one of the most anticipated moment in their lives. Early this morning, i thought of making a big surprise to my love, my renal nurse. Despite that i gave her various alibis yesterday evening that I don't have much time to celebrate valentine with her, I gave her the first part of my surprise and giving her alibis is just part of the plan. I went to the hospital chapel early this morning because I knew that she'll be doing the readings for the Mass. But I have to keep myself hidden because she isn't aware that I'll be attending the Eucharist. Right after the mass has ended, I went to another place of prayer and thank the Lord for giving me a chance to express my deepest love to my renal nurse. I stayed there for almost an hour then I head back to the hospital where she's working and went directly to the SPICE- Kidney Center. She never thought that I'm going to go directly inside the Kidney Center, give my gift, offer her flowers and just look at her with a smile. It didn't take that much long. I could see how shy she was and blushing. It's another big surprise for her that she thought I would never try to do. When I saw her smiling while accepting my gift, I was filled with a blissful feeling and love. I hope I made her special this Valentines Day...This valentine experience is indeed a big surprise....

I love you my Renal Nurse.... Wait for the second part. More surprises to come...

"I d0n't need fl0wers or ch0colates this valentines, fl0wers die, ch0colates expire, n0t U in my heart all i need is y0u, n0t just n0w but f0rever... I love u!"

The Reason Is You

You're the reason for these butterflies
That are fluttering uncontrollable inside of me
These butterflies will never calm
They've taken over my whole body

You're the reason for this smile
That brightens my whole face
This smile will never frown
You've unknowingly became my all

You make me feel alive once again
You've erased my past with just a touch
Chased my fears with just one glance
You broke my mold with that first kiss

I thought my happiness was forbidden
Until you took my world and killed my demons
Read into all my deepest dreams
And gave them beautiful wings
You're the reason I believe in love...