How Can I Forget?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

That very first day that we met
It's a feeling I'll never forget.
All the experiences that we've shared,
I knew right away that you were rare.

You see, it's hard to find a someone like you,
Usually they're too good to be true.
Though I should've entered with more ration,
But with you I felt so much passion.

I wish those things had never happened.
It feels as though my love's been abandoned.
All I wanted was to make you happy,
So why is it that I have to feel so crappy?

I want nothing more than for us to move on,
>But it's so hard now that the trust is gone.
>I want to get past this, I really do...
What can I do to make you be true?

My love for you is like an undying flame.
And I once wished for our love to remain.
Do you remember that day, the day that it snowed?
It's the day that I wished for our love to grow.

You hurt me that night, you need to know that you did.
And I need you to know that I can forgive.
But I'm really struggling with trying to forget,
Because I still feel the same as that first day we met.

One Life We Lead

The biggest risk a heart can take,
A second chance, it’s there to make.
Turned into three, there can’t be four,
Gone from your life, if it turns more.

I can’t rule your life for you,
The choice is yours, with what to do.
Though if it comes, please spare me this,
Your love for me cannot exist.

Inside I have, but nothing left,
In times of love, it feels like death.
It’s taken more than I first knew,
I had to give, my strength it’s through.

I’m only human, man and boy,
Don’t treat me like I’m just a toy.
I hope from now, you’ll think of me,
Through distance, love, brutality.

One life we lead, to walk this land,
At times it’s hard, at times it’s grand.
Mistakes we’ll make, through them we grow,
It’s far too hard to see you go.

If you do care, then I believe,
We’ll make it through, this time to grieve.
And out the other side we’ll go,
Through, thick, through thin, through rain through snow.

The future comes, the past, forgot,
Dishonesty, it starts to rot.
No lies be told, we start as new,
From you to me, from me to you.

One year, it’s down, though not through ease,
Two more, we can, we must, I plead.
Please keep these thoughts so you can see,
How much in life, you mean to me.

My Baby.
I love you.
I forgive you.
But don’t take advantage of that.


I forgive you
Despite the pain and anger I've had in my life
I wish you were near
Despite the tears that fell from my eyes
I will always love you
You are my mom and nothing can change that and
Despite the fact that you were never there
I still want you to be!!!!!!

Shhhhssss... It's a Secret

Shhhssss…. Be quiet!

Keep still, someone might hear.
Keep it low, so nobody could find out
even if they’re near.
Be on guard. Look around
if the coast is clear.
Move quietly
and let’s get out from here.

Shhhhsss…. Be quiet!

This must not come out.
Keep your voice down
and please don’t shout.
Whisper quietly into my ear.
And make sure that someone isn’t near.
Hurry up so that we won’t get busted,
If in that case we will end up damn wasted.

Shhhhssss… Be quiet!

Even there is a little stench,
never say a word or give an inch.
Hide it carefully so that nobody could see,
and just think in your conscience you are crime- free.
Even if he finds out,
never ever attempt to come out.

Shhhhsss… Be quiet!

He doesn’t know what we did.
Telling him the truth is what I most forbid.
Just keep it secret and low,
and never say anything that will give him a clue.
Just remember everything I have said,
If you won’t, you’ll be dead.

Oh my! He found out what we did!
Now it’s only up to you,
and you’re on your own.
I did the best on my part,
but you weren’t good in hiding from the start.
Watch me as I flee and leave you in your peril,
that’s what you get for trusting the devil…

Shhhsss…Be quiet!...

Shalom Lechem, Rabboni!

Along came with armed soldiers of the High Priest, Judas approached the Lord and said: “Rabboni”. As these words were said, his lips touched the Lord’s cheek. The soldiers grabbed the Lord as if like an animal to be slaughtered. The Lord endured the punches and blows given by the merciless soldiers of Caiaphas. The Lord remained calm and meek as a lamb waiting for its death as a sacrificial offering for the atonement of man’s sins.

Thirty pieces of silver, a good price for the Messiah’s head. Judas sold his Lord for just thirty pieces of silver, a lesser element than gold. He grasp so hard on the purse that contains his vanity. He won’t let go of the cheap price for the Son of God. He was succumbed by greed, envy and vain. Poor Judas, his kiss delivered the Lord into the hands of suffering, agony and death. He betrayed the Lord. But the Lord drank the cup of death and embraced His dreadful fate. While the traitor Judas was just there on the side, counting the silver coins if they are in exact quantity.

The Lord was condemned to die on the most humiliating death, was beaten with clubs, lashed with “fulcrums” and crowed with two- inch thorns. The Lord was stripped off from His garments, lifted the burdensome cross to “Golgotha” and nailed on it with an insignia that criticizes Him written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. On the other hand, the traitor Judas realized his flaws. His conscience began to devour him. He can’t endure living in disgrace and humiliation because he sold the Lord for mere silver coins. He began to beg for forgiveness. But it’s too late for an apology. The Lord has already been held in the arms of Hades. Alas, Judas was left desperate with nothing to do. He rushed to the field he bought called “Akeldama” or the Field of Blood, remorse from his sins, hanged himself until he bursts open and all his insides spilled out, a tragic fate for the one who sold the Lord and betrayed the Son of God.

But in some way Judas is to be honored. There were men and women who betrayed their kindred, their love or their God, but offered no remorse, no apologies, nor regrets and, held their sins with pride. Woe to them! Judas is far better than them because he learned how to regret even if it was too late. Let this be the bottom-line, traitors will suffer the same fate as of Judas, from the tribe of Iscarii, in the land of Hebron Valley unless they know how to regret or better to avoid being another Judas the Iscariot.