Valentine Experience...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Well, as for those in love, Valentine is one of the most anticipated moment in their lives. Early this morning, i thought of making a big surprise to my love, my renal nurse. Despite that i gave her various alibis yesterday evening that I don't have much time to celebrate valentine with her, I gave her the first part of my surprise and giving her alibis is just part of the plan. I went to the hospital chapel early this morning because I knew that she'll be doing the readings for the Mass. But I have to keep myself hidden because she isn't aware that I'll be attending the Eucharist. Right after the mass has ended, I went to another place of prayer and thank the Lord for giving me a chance to express my deepest love to my renal nurse. I stayed there for almost an hour then I head back to the hospital where she's working and went directly to the SPICE- Kidney Center. She never thought that I'm going to go directly inside the Kidney Center, give my gift, offer her flowers and just look at her with a smile. It didn't take that much long. I could see how shy she was and blushing. It's another big surprise for her that she thought I would never try to do. When I saw her smiling while accepting my gift, I was filled with a blissful feeling and love. I hope I made her special this Valentines Day...This valentine experience is indeed a big surprise....

I love you my Renal Nurse.... Wait for the second part. More surprises to come...

"I d0n't need fl0wers or ch0colates this valentines, fl0wers die, ch0colates expire, n0t U in my heart all i need is y0u, n0t just n0w but f0rever... I love u!"


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