It's Hard to Fix a Wounded Heart...

Monday, February 28, 2011

This is the story of a girl who had a bad temper. To teach her a good lesson, her boyfriend asked that every time she lost her patience and insulted him, she should hammer a nail on her door.

On the first day, the girl hammered 37 nails. As weeks passed and as she managed to control her temper, the nails became fewer. After almost a year of struggle, the girl finally managed to control herself. She was happy and she told her boyfriend about her achievements. The boyfriend, however, suggested that she should take out the nails from the door. After some days, the girl had removed all the nails.

Her boyfriend took her to see the door and said: “You have worked hard, my love, but look at all the holes that are there on the door. The door will never be like it was before you started to put nails on it. Each time you lost your patience and offended me by words, you leave behind scars that are difficult to remove. You can insult me and afterwards say ‘I am sorry’, but the scars will always remain.”


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