Meet Me Half Way by

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Let me repost this blog write-up by a friends of mine... I really love the content... Your a brilliant writer dude... May allow me to repost this in my blog...thanks...

Meet Me Half Way
Meet me halfway like how night turns to day. Walk towards me like how I’m walking towards you. The distance between us seemed but a mile. But if you start off from your side while I start off from mine, we’d find each other sooner than we think.

Traveling alone won’t be much of a burden. Our thoughts are secure knowing that we both chose to trek the solitary path, ever-guided by our hearts’ call, to be with one another at the end of the journey.
Meet me halfway. A candle, a torch or a lamp post burns to light our way, but our desire to see each other clears the road of any fear of losing our way. Sun, moon and stars all shine so bright, but the gleam that we see in each other’s eyes is what even time and space could never place us apart.

Meet me halfway; continue to follow the trail we agreed to take. We will encounter temptations as we go along, but we trust in each other to never be swayed or get strayed. Our senses will be enticed, but our longing for each other’s company will lure us back to the right direction.

Our trip will be weary; ever-tiring and lonesome. We would need to rest. Often, we’d lose heart in continuing and find places to ease our worn-out spirits. So we take time to eat, sleep, quench; and then the journey continues on.
The voyage will be full of the unexpected, but we both expect each other to pack ready. We will only carry what is necessary; leaving things that would remind us of where we’ve been or where we’ve each planned to go. Because when we held each other, neither the past nor the future is significant; only the present remains important.

We would lose touch and contact for a while. In losing time to talk we might lose our urge to drive on. So we meet people to fill these holes, ever-thankful for their words of comfort, yet ever-mindful how irreplaceable our conversations are.

As we longed for each other’s company, we might meet people who’d replace our longings with promises similarly valiant and noble. They’d douse our yearning for each other with their own. They might fill our gaps and we might fell in love, too. They’d substitute our hopes with their reality, but they could never recreate nor replicate our love, the chances we took for each other and our promise to meet each other halfway.
Meet me halfway. When I start this winding endeavor, I’ll tag your name in my chest and call your name and sing our songs along the way. And when I finally reach you, I’ll hold in my arms and kiss you with my eyes closed, feeling every bit of sadness flow away.

Meet me halfway. I’ll take this course of no return, believing as much as you believe that we’ll be together when it ends. Meet me halfway, but right now, we could start off as friends.
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