IL PRINCIPE (The Prince)

Monday, January 31, 2011

In a faraway kingdom of Alliv, a boy was born. His birth was extraordinary for the church bells were ringing even though that jubilation is reserved for the kings and royals. The boy was baptized on the day the church refused to open, but still he was given such exemption and named, Odracir. Long after they knew he was a prince. He is a prince by right, for his grandparents were once kings of the land.

The boy grew in wisdom and knowledge and studied under the great minds of the land. At the young age he showed a lot in different aspects such as mental skills, physical strength and wit. He got a lot talents and he excelled on those talents. The boy was a versatile artist. Indeed, he was created to be the best. But Odracir had a weakness. His arrogance would always pull him down. He has this strong authority and pride. But despite Odracir has this malevolent character, he kept a strong faith. His desire was to be a mediator to the gods and men. For him, the only way for a man to attain greatness is to be united with the deities. He traveled to another part of the world just to learn the power, divinity and omnipotence of the gods. He met several prophets and learned from their teachings. Until such time he was able to be anointed and ready to take part of his lifelong dream. But before that, Odracir had to return home for he had been long gone and he wishes to tell his family about the things he attained and learned.

Upon his return, Odracir met Eevra, a princess with such beauty that glows like the sun and eyes of the diamond stars. Odracir fell in love with Eerva, and he courted her. Eerva was stunned on Odracir’s chivalrous ways, and she too fell in love with him. Odracir gave Eerva the most precious gift only reserved to be given to the gods. He gave her his life.  Their love was so perfect to imagine, but the gods were jealous about it for Odracir had chosen Eerva more than the gods and he gave his life to her. The gods ordered the demon Le Moel to take form into man and tricked Eerva away from Odracir for the princess had also taken their anointed one away from them. Eerva’s love to Odracir was so weak that she fell into the demon’s temptation. The demon Le Moel dragged Eerva into his realm and showed her all the vanities that could blind her away from Odracir. Poor prince, there’s nothing he could do but weep in agony and in pain because his love was taken away from him. Odracir stormed the temple of the gods with his prayers until they could hear them. He bawled to them with his anger and hopelessness, that he prayed someday his love would come back. The gods heard his plea and would grant it to him if he passes the entire tests given.

The first test was the test of strength. Odracir has to remain on his foot no matter how hard the pain and hit could be. The gods brought him to the highest peak of the Mt. Awamit, in the land of Olom. It was the place where Odracir and Eerva would spend much time being together and where Odracir promised Eerva that she is the only woman he will love forever. Now the gods transformed that memorable place into a place of agony. The gods blew tough winds that whenever it strikes Odracir, his flesh bleeds. But he remained firm yet struggling to survive. Then the gods roared thunder upon Odracir. The sound almost deafened him but he stood his ground. Then came hail from the sky that strikes Odracir anywhere and in any part of his body. The gallant prince was so resistant in giving up and faced the hard blows given to him by the gods. His faith and love made him invincible to all these sufferings.

The second test was the test of his weakness. The gods showed him a mirror to world where Eevra is. Odracir saw the unfaithful affair of Eevra to the treacherous demon Le Moel. He also heard the curses of Eevra to him. His heart was torn to pieces but he never refused to give up. The Demon Le Moel showed that he is far better than Odracir when it comes to pleasing Eerva. But Odracir remained unbreakable to all of the demon’s game. He should not show arrogance and pride for thus if this happens, he will lose his mind and turn away from Eerva and there is no way of winning her back.

A demon will always be a demon. Le Moel had this desire to be the anointed one rather than Odracir. He planned not only to ruin Odracir but also the gods. He created a woman filled with lust. He created a woman better than Princess Eerva. Le Moel made Eppla to tempt Odracir. If Odracir fell in love with Eppla, it will again displease the gods and also it will break his promise to Eerva. The promise he made in the gardens of Olom, infront of the temple of the gods. Eppla tempted Odracir with lust, kindness, appreciation and sweetness. Things that he would always hope for Eerva to give. Odracir was about to give in, when an angel came to give him rescue. The angel Ereni shattered Eppla’s head with her sword, and thus awakens Odracir from his temptation. Ereni helped Odracir to recover and persuaded him not to give up on the test.

The gods were so angry to the demon Le Moel. So, came with the third and final test. Odracir has to do nothing while the demon will slay Eerva while she is asleep. Odracir was confused. Why he has to do nothing while is love’s life is on the line? This is the test of faith. Odracir must have faith is his love is real and true, Eerva must wake up and will be the first to slay the demon Le Moel before it slays her. This will justify if Eerva also loves Odracir. The gods blew the Zephyr wind to put Eerva into slumber.  The brave prince began to feel useless in this final quest. All he can do now is to go down on his knees and pray to the gods. That the deities will grand wisdom and open the eyes of Eerva, that everything around her are just lies presented by the Demon Le Moel. The Angel Ereni never leaves the side of Odracir.She continued to protect the young prince while he continued to pray even up to now. Hoping that someday, Eerva will open her eyes and kill the demon Le Moel. While praying, he is also plotting another way how to save his true love. He needs to slay the Demon by himself even if it loses his life.


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