Three Filters

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A disciple arrived hurriedly to the house of Socrates and began to talk this way:
          “Teacher, I want to tell you how your friend had been speaking badly about you.”
          Socrates interrupted saying”
          “Wait, did you already pour what you have to say to me through the three filters?”
          “The three filters? What do you mean to say?”
          “Yes,” Socrates replied. “Did you already examine carefully if what you say is CERTAIN?”
          “No, I just heard of it from some neighbors.”
          “But at least you would have passed it through the second filter which is goodness. What you will say to me is GOOD?”
          “No, in reality no, it is the contrary.”
          “Ah!” Socrates interrupted, “then we are going for the last filter. Is this what you have to say a NECESSARY thing?”
          “To be sincere to you, no, it is not necessary.”
          “Then,” the wise men smiled. “If it is not CERTAIN or GOOD or NECESSARY, it is better that you forget about it.”


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