
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fallen and scorned, I still stand my ground, hoping for a change. It is not your beauty nor your charm that I still hold on, but the goodness of your heart and the kindness you possess. Yesterday was the past that wounded me deep into my flesh, yet even now as the present would show no beauty for tomorrow. Where art thou when I needed thee? Where art thou when wonderful moments emerge? Where art thou when your presence requests? Where art thou when my glory is about to seize? All alone you leave me forsaken and abandoned. All alone, without thee by my side. Days without you, turn into weeks as weeks then turn into months. There are dreams that I want to dream with thee, and hopes that I want hoping with thee. Alas, these dreams and hopes will never come to be, for time never gave thee a moment with me.
To the Divine I kneel and I pray, neither for conversion nor a radical change. All I ask is send my plea, so that his angels would whisper to thee. That there is a lad longing for your love, who gave his life and even his soul. If ever time will come for him to depart, you will still remember that once in your life, he was a part of your heart.


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