La Settimana Piena di Belleza ( A week filled with beauty)

Monday, February 7, 2011

She came back. That's what matters. She smiled. That's what is the most important. She hugged me. That's what I longed for a month and a half. She kissed me. That's what I've been dreaming for. She told me that she loves me still. That's what I'm hoping to hear...

Last week was a week filled with miracles. I do believe that storming the heavens with your prayers (and not curses) would grant answers. I do believe that by never giving up would make you victorious in your quest. I have only one quest in my life, and that is to bring back the love I once lost. Judgments, Condemnations, Regrets, Hesitation? Those were never included in my Lexicon. Simple things were made and done. But those things meant so much. Cooking Pasta al Ragu, Foot and Head Massage, being my "Facebook" secret spy, and of course, staying up throughout the night and waiting for the break of dawn to tell her how much I love her... not to mention, carrying her purse and pink umbrella while doing our groceries... and bearing on my shoulders with joy her lavender bag while she scouts for her new blouse.... Well, maybe it's like going back to the drawing board. But who cares?! To restart, renew, and be better, if not the best from what you have done in the past... because true LOVE came back....

As I have promised on May 14, 2006, on a bench across the Catholic Church of Molo: " You are the first that I loved seriously and you will always be the last woman I will LOVE... I love you FOREVER and EVER.... ♥"(and it is really forever and ever throughout eternity)....

Thanks for the love, my Arvee Marie


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