How I Miss You

Monday, February 7, 2011

When Cupid aims his love arrows towards you, it seems that the world changes into a wonderland. How beautiful is it to be enamored and being loved by someone.? From the very first day after your exchange of "yes" to each other, seems to be a bright beginning of a day when you are so excited to read the first morning message from her in your phone or to wait for her call and to ask her if she is ok for a lunch or dinner with you. Let me write down the things I miss with the woman I love:?

* Walking on a deep flooded streets and to pick her up on her friend's apartment
* Exchanging love letters even though you meet everyday
* Waiting for her early in the morning to pick her up outside her house because you aren't allowed yet to meet her parents
* Taking her very heavy black duty bag from her hand and carrying it for her
* Running with her on the road while trying to catch a ride because she's gonna be late for school or for work
* Waiting for her outside her school's gate during lunch time and after class
* Sending her text messages whenever she feels bored... (she asked me to entertain her) =)
* Texting her up to the wee hours of the morning... (talking a lot topics)
* Laughing while she makes funny noises whenever she sees a puppy on he sidewalk
* Teaching her how to dance properly
* Reaching a green mango high above the tree and peeling it for her.
* Cooking shrimp paste in her house just to ease up her craving towards sour foods.
* Carrying her girly looking paper bag without shame while other people watch with giggles on them.
* Travel with her outside the city just to meet her kins.
* Watching a movie with her on a last full show period while she rests her head on my shoulders
* Eating... Eating...Eating....( We almost toured all the restaurants in the city)
* Giving her a throw pillow on her birthday and lots of throw pillows
* Giving her a green superman T-shirt that wouldn't fit after a few months. =)
* Cooking pasta... she craves for it...
* Joking at her whenever she had mood swings during her period
* Offering your bag because she will be inspecting what is inside
* Getting hit by her handbag during a concert
* Sharing a tiny pink umbrella during the time when it rains like cats and dogs
* Doing groceries together and buying a bunch of junkfoods.
* Buying her large up sized french fries whenever she feels upset. (It's like winning her kindness again)
* Going to the sports complex and exercise alone while she just watch from the side
* Buying her pistachio flavored ice cream.
* Watching movie in her room while she tries to blow through my ear holes
* Checking my cellphone most of the time.
* Cleaning and re arranging her bedroom.
* Gun Firing with her even though she got the craziest stance for shooting.
* Kissing her armpit whenever she tries to hug me
* Staring at her when she wears her eye glasses
* Telling her that she feels amazement during her first airplane flight
* Watching how her eyes go big and round whenever she sees something amazing and amusing.
* Stealing her childhood school ID pictures
* Sharing Oishi Wasabi flavored potato snack while she can't control her chewing
* Asking her help on computers and installing her memory card
* Turning her airconditioner ON and OFF most of the time. ( Not to mention when she asked me to turn down or up the cooler)
* Walking with her on the Ladies department and staying there for a long time while she checks the bags on shoes
* Giving her crispy chicken skin to eat
* Rubbing and massaging her back up
* Complaining when she asked me to massage her head, then her back, then her arms, then her legs and torso
* Cracking her fingers while holding hands
* When she scratches my back for a very short time then she would ask me to do it on her for a longer period
* Trying to open a Twitter account because she asked me to make one.
* When she tried to treat the dog bite on my thigh
* When I bought her mangosteen... first time for her to taste it
* Helping her in making desserts
* Looking at her annoyingly while she makes funny faces at me
* Teasing her about her eyes...( Actually, they're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen)
* Strolling in various parks as we watched the lights and feeling the spirit of Christmas
* Eating...Eating.... Eating... streetfoods, native foods, peanuts, barbeque and a lot more to eat with her
* Telling her how much you love her and listening to her voice as she tells you the same thing...
* Kissing her lips, holding her hand, hugging her tight and calling her your baby

Well... These are few things worth remembering about the woman I love, I have loved and forever I will love....???


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