January 31, 2011: The night I will never forget..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When I saw her again, she was in tears, telling me that I'm tearing her fragile heart to pieces. How can I love you, when you are loving someone else?... Aren't those tears are symbolisms of lies... Maybe things are just fresh and it's indeed difficult to move-on. When you hugged me and kissed me last night, it was so different from what we used to do. I could feel Love within you. Believe me, for four years I have given everything, even my very soul. That's why it's no doubt that I could feel your heart. The way your hands caressed me and as your lips touched mine, made me realized that there's still a chance for us to be together again... I know I am imperfect, but I have equaled God's perfection in LOVING you... Just be on guard.... The devil knows how to break happiness to someone with a weaker faith... I have endured the entire tests given...and there's one more test..this, I cannot do anything... It's now up to you and how strong is my faith...

The first test was the test of my strength. When you left me forsaken, I could have been swallowed by grief... I could have been driven down to my death... But I stood still on my ground... Making my love as a wall that I was leaning on..

The second test was the test of my weakness. Women came into my life, tempting me to let go of my oath that you're the only woman i'll love forever... I told you before, you shall be the last, and no one more.... I did it... I stood my ground even though, the foretaste of happiness is just an arm length away from me.... The flesh has always been my weakness. But I gained strength by keeping my word...

The third test is the test of my faith. Here, there's nothing I can do but pray... last night was just a glimpse of tears that will be shed and happiness if I succeed... The worst is about to happen.. so, be prepared... be vigilant...everything he gives and shows are Lies... The devil is the prince of darkness and father of all lies.... I will be hopeless, and all i can do is get down on my knees and double the prayers....

Just remember... I have kept my promise..and I'm keeping it up to now... I'm hoping for your return.... and I love you more.... but there should be a sacrifice for us to wake up in this resentment....

"Will you betray the son of man with a kiss....?"

You have betrayed me already... Don't betray your new Cover-up... tell him you love me more...

Jan. 31, 2011, a date that I will always remember forever.... The night we hugged and kissed again..... It shall be written in the stars and in the book of Kings...


Barbie Writes said...

You're the MAN cousin! (^^,)

Ricardo Angelo said...

Thanks yon... hahaha.. It runs in the blood

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