Un’Pomeriggio… (One Afternoon)

Monday, March 14, 2011

I began to search for some of my important documents on my file cabinet one afternoon. My mind was only set for those papers, when I pulled out an envelope from the far end. I didn’t have any idea on what was on it, so out of my curiosity I opened it. To my surprise, they were my old letters and files when I was still abroad. I robbed a moment to sit down and began reading them one by one.

First I saw my old plane ticket, still on its original envelope, and with my complete flight itinerary. Then, some of my train tickets especially the one from EUROStar, the best and modern train in Europe were also there. I have also known that I’m still keeping my old birthday card mailed to me by my parents and there, stated my cash gift of $2000 which I spent when I went to Munich and Cologne for the World Youth Day and of course, my drinking spree during the Oktoberfest in Bavaria. Also included were the letters and greeting cards from my classmates in Rome. The cards were quite symbolic because those were the cards that they brought from their country. I got a card from Japan which was given by my Theology classmate Tanaka Hiromasa, a Buddhist seminarian who studied Christian Theology with me in The Gregorian University. There were also from Africa, namely Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon and Burundi. Their card were decorated with African design. They were from Muyayu Kalunga, Wala Liswaba, Flauribert Takwa and Emmanuel Ngawu. There were a lot of letters from different countries in five continents. Some were given from the countries I had visited and some were from my classmates and school mates who had shared with me their time and unity when I was still living the life of chastity, poverty and obedience.

Then I realized that I robbed much time for reading those beautiful memorabilia from the past. I forgot what I need to look for in the first place. I took a shower then after because I need to pick someone up before 6:00 pm. It was really an afternoon. 


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